Extract Name

Bubble Hash

What is it?

Bubble Hash, or Cold Water Bubble Hash, is a form of “hash” or cannabis concentrate. Bubble Hash is composed of water purified preparations to separate the trichomes from the plant matter collected from the buds or trim of the female cannabis plant.

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Ice and Water 

Also Known As:

Bubble Hash, Cold Water Bubble Hash, Ice Wax, Ice Water Hash


  • Add 3-4 ounces of cannabis into your bubble bag.
  • Alternate the layers of ice and cannabis until the bucket is almost full
  • Add purified water, enough to cover the cannabis under the ice.
  • Agitate the mixture for 15-20mins; let the mix settle for another 20 -30mins.
  • Scrape out the material at the bottom of the screen onto your cheesecloth. 
  • Fold the cheesecloth on top of the bubble hash and press gently to remove the leftover water.

Ease of Creation:


Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Usually in the range of 30-60%




Mid to High (Average 0.751%)

Physical Properties:

Once extracted, Bubble Hash becomes solid, dry and resembles brown sugar granules


Dark and light brown

How to Use:

Edibles, Joints, Blunts, Bongs, Pipes

Best Way to Consume:

Sprinkle a dash of bubble hash on top before you close to add a kick of flavor

Popular Amongst:

DIY smokers since the process is safe and relatively easy