Extract Name


What is it?

Budder is a cannabis concentrate that's typically made by dousing weed in butane, CO2, or another chemical solvent and purging it out, so only cannabis extract is left.

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Butane, CO2

Also Known As:

Badder, Budder, Batter


Badder is considered an extract because it is primarily made using liquid petroleum gases (LPG), such as butane and CO2. This process involves using a closed-loop system, but with a different post-extraction technique.

The consistency of the concentrate changes from Shatter to Budder by whipping the extracts on a hot plate at roughly 100 degrees Fahrenheit, or 37.78 degrees Celsius, before placing it into the vacuum oven. The exact vacuum temperatures and the amount of agitation required differ from strain to strain. Still, most Budder is purged at 90-115 degrees Fahrenheit, or 32.22-46.11 degrees celsius, at -29" Hg (pressure measurement unit) for 24-72 hours.

Ease of Creation:

Difficult. Experts should perform extractions in a designated or supervised environment with proper first aid. 

Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Typically ranges from 60% to 90%




Very High (8-10% percent)

Physical Properties:

Soft, solid consistency similar to a stick of butter.


Ranges from a greenish-brown to buttery gold.

How to Use:

Dabbing, Vaping, Bong or Bubbler

Best Way to Consume:

Dabbing is the most common way to consume these concentrates.

Popular Amongst:

Anyone looking to get the highest quality product. Budders' high terpene profile makes the concentrate more flavorful and aromatic while preserving significant levels of THC.