Extract Name

CO2 Oil

What is it?

In cannabis concentrates, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) refers to a nonflammable solvent used to extract the desirable compounds from the cannabis plant and is the general name used to refer to any cannabis concentrate made using CO2 as a solvent.

CO2 extraction machines essentially freeze and compress CO2 gas into a “supercritical” cold liquid state. They are labeled “supercritical” because when exposed to extreme temperatures and pressures, they display structures that fluctuate between intermediate states of solid, liquid, and gaseousness.

Extract artists use methods that allow for higher terpenes contents, with CO2 supercritical fluid extraction at the forefront of cannabis extraction.

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Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Also Known As:

CO2 hash oil or CO2 cannabis oil.


  • The extractor takes CO2 in its gaseous form and runs it through a chamber. Then at this stage, it is subjected to heightened pressure and temperature as low as -70 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • The gas then changes into liquid CO2.
  • From this liquid state, CO2 showcases its unique properties once reheated and pressurized. A supercritical fluid has properties between a gas and a liquid.
  • The unique liquid then passes through a chamber that contains the raw hemp or marijuana material.
  • The liquid passes through the raw material and dissolves the trichomes’ membranes. As a result, the process captures a significant proportion of the active compounds.

Ease of Creation:

Difficult, better left to an expert or under the supervision. (The equipment and processes used can also vary significantly in cost and complexity depending on scaling requirements.)

Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Typically ranges from 50% to 70%




Very High (8 - 10% percent)

Physical Properties:

Liquid (often used in vape pens) to waxy consistency



How to Use:

Vaping, Dabbing, infused edibles

Best Way to Consume:

CO2 concentrates are consumed primarily through vaporization

Popular Amongst:

Anyone looking to get the highest quality product. The CO2 gas can primarily reach its supercritical point at pressures and temperatures that don’t damage the cannabinoids and terpenes.