Extract Name


What is it?

Pressed and fused together like the perfect packaged good, hashish is literally a breakable ball of fun. With a variety of extraction methods, hashish can be harvested in dynamic ways, each with their own level of sophistication.

Originating from countries like Nepal, Afghanistan, and Morocco, hashish is a global household name. Many users enjoy this extract because of the elevated levels of trichrome potency and the relative ease in which to obtain them.

Hashish is a cannabis extract that uses pressure and heat to create a breakable and sticky substance with increased levels of cannabinoids. Essentially, Hashish is the product of harvested trichrome heads, those of which were separated from unnecessary plant matter.  Unnecessary meaning, not very many cannabinoids. Trichrome heads carry the bulk cannabinoids in cannabis plants. Check out this brief article to catch up on trichromes.

Hashish is as ancient as it is popular -- said to be discovered as early as AD 900. The word hashish, in fact, originates from the Arabic language, meaning "grass".

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Varies, Ethanol, Non-solvent

Also Known As:

Hash or Hashish


  • Apply heat and pressure to kief
  • Hair straightener or rosin press
  • Old fashioned way "rub two plants together"
  • “Master Sifter” - Created by John Gallardi
  • Ice Water Bubble Hash

Ease of Creation:


Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

From low 40% to over 80%, depends on extraction factors




Mid to High (Average 0.751%), depends on extraction factors

Physical Properties:

Solid ball of sticky resin


Golden brown, light green, light or dark brown, may appear transparent, yellow, black, or red

How to Use:

Smoking, Dabbing, Vaping

Best Way to Consume:

Dab rig with a quartz banger or nail

Popular Amongst:

Intermediate to advanced consumers, those looking for much higher levels of THC potency