Extract Name

ISO Hash

What is it?

  • Isopropyl Hash Oil (ISO) is a concentrated cannabis product or extract made by 'extracting' trichomes from mature cannabis flowers using isopropyl alcohol.
  • Additionally, Isopropyl hash oil should not be confused with butane hash oil (BHO), a similar product but 'BHO' is made using a different extraction method (butane extraction rather than alcohol extraction).

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You must only use isopropyl alcohol in this alcohol extraction method; you should never substitute it with rubbing alcohol or ethyl alcohol (drinking alcohol).

Also Known As:

QWISO, or Quick Wash Hash


  • Place the trimmings in the mason jar, and add the alcohol until the jar is almost full. 
  • Put the lid on the jar and shake for around a minute.
  • Then strain, the mixture. With the plant matter going into the plastic container. 
  • The alcohol mixture is then strained multiple times through paper filters into the coffee carafe and then left in the sun to evaporate.
  • The mix is then scraped from the Pyrex dish, cooked in the oven for several minutes, and then blended.

*You should freeze the cannabis trimmings or 'nugs' several days ahead of time. 

*Items needed: glass coffee pot, a metal screen or filter, paper coffee filters, clean glass bowl, splash guard, mason jar, plastic storage container, cutting utensils, and access to an electric oven.

Ease of Creation:


Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Usually in the range of 30-60%




Mid to High (Average 0.751%)

Physical Properties:

ISO Hash is concentrated, more Tarry oil, due to the solvent.


Dark Green or Brown

How to Use:

Edibles, Tincture, Vape, Topical, Joints

Best Way to Consume:

A simple and easy way would be having your hash oil in a vape

Popular Amongst:

DIY smokers who don't mind chemicals in their extract. Some believe the taste of extract suffers from this process.