Extract Name

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO)

What is it?

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is a cannabis concentrate used for various medical advantages.

In 2003, Rick Simpson created a cannabis oil after three suspicious bumps on his arm turned out to be basal cell carcinoma, a skin cancer form. Simpson having used cannabis to treat medical issues in the past, now dediced to make a cannabis oil to treat his cancer topically. After applying it to a bandage and covering the cancerous spots and within days, the cancerous growths disappeared. Simpson a true believer in the medicinal powers of cannabis, spread the word of his cannabis oil, later called RSO after him.

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Also Known As:

Rick Simpson Oil, or RSO


  • Place dry cannabis material into a bucket then pour in the solvent until the plant matter is covered.
  • While stirring and crushing the plant material with your wooden spoon, add the solvent to your mixture. (Continue stirring for about three minutes).
  • Using the cheesecloth, drain the solvent from the plant material into your bowl. Then place the plant material back in the bucket and add more solvent. (Continue stirring for another three minutes).
  • Using the cheesecloth again, drain the solvent from your plant material into your bowl. Discard the remainder of the plant material.
  • Transfer your solvent to the rice cooker to about ¾ of the way full, and turn on your rice cooker*.
  • The rice cooker will maintain a steady temperature between 210-230°F (100-110°C).
  • The solvent will slowly start to evaporate, you can continue to add your mixture to the rice cooker gradually.
  • Now the solvent has evaporated, siphon the oil into your syringe. If you have trouble dispensing it, run the syringe under hot water.

*Rice cookers are very useful in this instance to maintain a slow and steady temperature.

Ease of Creation:


Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Typically ranges from 60% to 90%




Very High (0.5-3.5 percent)

Physical Properties:

It has a thick, syrupy consistency


Dark Green or Brown, but can leave a Gold residue

How to Use:

Topical or ingested in food or drinks

Best Way to Consume:

Orally or mixed with any food

Popular Amongst:

If you're looking for a smokeless way to dose and for the medical benefits.