Extract Name


What is it?

Rosin is a solventless process refers to an extraction process that utilizes a combination of heat and pressure to squeeze cannabinoids and terpenes 'Resinous Sap' from the source material.

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Also Known As:

Solventless hash oil.


  • Break down the plant material, then Place the plant material into a teabag-like filter
  • Set the temperature on your press or hair straightener. (temperatures of 180-220 degrees Fahrenheit, or 82-104 degrees. Celsius will yield less rosin that tends to produce a sappy consistency. Higher temperatures of 230-250 degrees Fahrenheit, or 110-122 degrees Celsius, will give you the highest yield with a more flavorful and stable consistency). We recommend starting with the low temperatures then work your way up.
  • Place your bag filter in between two pieces of parchment paper. (Do not overfill.) 
  • Press the parchment paper with the preheated plates or straightener for between 4 to 30 seconds. 
  • When removing the flower from the parchment paper, check the amount of oil. (If you’ve got a low yield, place the parchment back under the straightener and repeat the process. If you still have a low yield, consider raising the temperature).
  • Once you have pressed your product, use a dabber to collect the rosin.
  • Package or store the rosin for later use, or turn it into rosin taffy by stretching and pulling it, resulting in a taffy-like consistency also referred to as snap-and-pull.

Ease of Creation:


Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Typically ranges from 50% to 70%




Very High (0.5-3.5 percent)

Physical Properties:

Sappy, and sometimes a shatter-like product


Translucent Yellow/Gold

How to Use:

Smoke it in a glass bowl or joint, dab it in a rig, or vape it in a pen made for concentrates.

Best Way to Consume:

Dabbing in a rig

Popular Amongst:

DIY smokers who don't want a solvent in their extract like BHO.