Extract Name


What is it?

Cannabis tinctures are alcohol-based cannabis extracts, and they come in glass bottles with droppers. As a result, cannabis tincture is one of the best methods of consumption for precise dosing.

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Also Known As:

Golden or green dragon tincture.


  • Decarboxylate 'Decarb' the cannabis
  • Combine cannabis and alcohol in a mason jar 
  • Cover the jar and leave it - it can take anywhere from one week to six months - shaking daily. 
  • After three weeks, use a coffee filter to remove the cannabis from the liquid.


To 'Decarb' your cannabis, grind your cannabis into smaller pieces and put it in an oven-safe pan. Take aluminum foil and cover the pan (so the weed doesn't get hot enough to burn or vaporize). Then Bake in an oven preheated to 230 degrees Fahrenheit (110 degrees Celsius) for 110 minutes. According to research from scientists in Holland, decarboxylation's optimal temperature is 230 degrees Fahrenheit for 110 minutes.

The higher the proof of alcohol, or double the percentage, the more cannabinoids will be absorbed.

Ease of Creation:

Simple, but you will need the patience to take anywhere from a week to six months.

Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Likely contain about 60%




Mid to High (ranges from 5 to 15%)

Physical Properties:

Liquid. They come in glass bottles with droppers.


Orange or dark yellow to brownish color.

How to Use:

Topical, Sublingually, or Ingestion, you can mix into foods and drinks, such as smoothies, salad dressings, and soups.

Best Way to Consume:

Sublingually (Under the tongue) is the preferred method because the tincture is rapidly absorbed through the sublingual artery.

Popular Amongst:

If you're looking for a smokeless way to dose, also trendy because they are easy to make, store, transport, and use.