Extract Name

Butane Hash Oil

What is it?

Butane Hash Oil (BHO) is an extract that's produced using solvents. Butane is the primary solvent used for extracting cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis flowers. This cannabis concentrate comes in various consistencies during the extraction process, including budder, crumble, sauce, or shatter. 

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Ice and Water 

Also Known As:

Isobutane or N-Butane


Extract the marijuana.  

  • fill your extraction tube with the cannabis strain (pack down until full and air-free)
  • Fasten the screen to the bottom of the tube and hold over a medium Pyrex dish, 
  • With your butane, put the nozzle right over the top hole in the tube. The liquid will begin to drip into the Pyrex dish; use as many butane cans as necessary.
  • Once completed with the extraction process, you will need to evaporate the liquid (to remove the harmful butane)
  •  Now place the medium Pyrex dish inside the large Pyrex dish. Then, pour hot water into the outer, larger container. You are causing the butane to begin to evaporate (15-20mins). For your safety, be sure there is plenty of ventilation during this process.


  • To complete the removal of the butane honey/hash oil. Using either a purging system or electric heating pad, set it to high heat, and then place the medium Pyrex dish on it for an hour or more.
  •  Oversee it. It's finished once the oil stops bubbling. Honey oil that has begun to become hazy or cloudy in appearance looks that way because of trapped butane. Purge-it again to get rid of all the butane. A straightforward way of checking if there is any butane left in it is to touch it with a flame — if it catches, there is still butane that needs to be removed.

Storing the Oil

  •  Use the razor blade scraper to get all of the oil out of the dish and then put it into a concentrated container. As long as it remains in an airtight container that remains dark and cool, BHO can last a long time. If improperly stored, you can expect the substance to become dry, tasteless, and less potent.

Ease of Creation:

For your safety, the task of making BHO should be better left to experts

Cannabinoid Potency % (Range):

Generally tests between 60 percent and up to 90 percent




Very High (0.5-3.5 percent)

Physical Properties:

Butane Hash Oil extraction can render badder, crumble, sauce, or shatter, depending on the starting material, apparatus used, and techniques applied.


Yellow, Honey

How to Use:

Edibles, Topicals, Vape juices, and other cannabis-infused products.

Best Way to Consume:

A most common way is vaping, and by using BHO Vape cartridges

Popular Amongst:

Butane is a highly flammable substance, and hash oil production is hazardous and should be done in the presence or by experienced technicians.